Carnegie Investment Counsel Blog

Understanding Interest Rates: Advantages and Disadvantages of High Interest Rates

Posted by Carnegie Investment Counsel on Oct 25, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Interest rates have the ability to impact consumer spending, saving, the economy, inflation and so much more. But how exactly do they work and how do they impact you? Here’s everything you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of high interest rates – and low.

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Topics: Economy, Interest Rates

Practical Options for Sources of Retirement Income

Posted by Carnegie Investment Counsel on Oct 7, 2021 2:04:26 PM

We’ve always been told that the only certainty in our lives will be death and taxes. Fair enough. But many of us would like to see a greater degree of certainty when it comes to our retirement, specifically as it relates to retirement income.

However, although there are tools to help determine our income after our work life, it really is a “best guess” and is not guaranteed. Add to that, the amount of time one will need that income is also speculation.

But there are steps we can take to augment traditional income sources. First, let’s define those typical ways of paying for our retirement.

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Topics: Financial Planning, Economy, health insurance

COVID and Healthcare: Lasting Implications from a Financial Advisor’s Perspective

Posted by Shams Afzal, AIF® on Sep 21, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Many among us found ourselves playing armchair epidemiologist at the outset of the pandemic. Casual discussions about rates of community transmission and projectile statistics of a cough in indoor settings, along with a browser tab open consistently to track worldwide COVID tallies, all served as useful distractions.

While the country grappled with this black swan event, healthcare infrastructure strained to accommodate three distinct influxes of COVID-infected patients in just nine short months. As the fourth wave continues to impact parts of the country today, it’s a little premature for a full postmortem on how the healthcare sector fared as a whole, but there are reasons to be hopeful.

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Topics: Financial Planning, Economy, health insurance

Video: Behind the Numbers, Demystifying Noise in the Market Place

Posted by Carnegie Investment Counsel on Aug 25, 2021 9:21:19 AM

Recently, Carnegie Investment Counsel Portfolio Manager/Regional Director Scott Inglis was a guest of Behind the Numbers, which is a podcast about the “real stories” behind business performance and valuation. Inglis talked with the host, valuation expert and bestselling author Dave Bookbinder. Scott provided detailed insights around demystifying noise in the market place”. Here’s an overview of the conversation.

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Topics: Financial Planning, Stocks, Market, Economy, Investment Management

The Paris Climate Accord – A Friend to American Business?

Posted by William Anderson on Jun 22, 2021 1:30:00 PM

The U.S. rejoined the 197-nation Paris Climate Accord. Under the accord, the U.S. has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% of 2003 levels. President Biden has also stated that his administration wishes to move the U.S. to net zero emissions by 2050.

There is a great deal of trepidation about the potential economic consequences surrounding this matter. The concern is that it will require a lowering of consumption in the U.S. and even our standard of life.

If these targets are not just posturing but serious goals, they may portend both large government spending and tax incentives. Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord may signify a historical capital spending boom by both government and private businesses.

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Topics: Market, Economy, ESG

Let’s Talk Inflation: Transitory or the Great Inflation 2.0?

Posted by Shams Afzal, AIF® on Jun 10, 2021 1:30:00 PM

Inflation is on the minds of many and there is no shortage of price increase anecdotes around the country. From commodities like iron ore and copper doubling in price, to paying MSRP for a year-old car, these observations of rising prices are coloring perceptions about general affordability, the dollar, the central bank and investments.

Whether we are experiencing inflation is not up for debate, however, the prospect of sustainable inflation is definitely debatable. Is it the ‘80s all over again? Can we objectively look at the pandemic-induced supply disruptions, a confluence of weather anomalies, lean manufacturing driven supply chain decisions and a Texas freeze, and call it a structural and sustainable inflation? Not really. At least, not yet.

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Topics: Stocks, Market, Economy, Interest Rates

What to Do in Times of Looming Inflation (Or Perceived Looming Inflation)

Posted by Greg Halter, CFA on Apr 27, 2021 1:30:00 PM

Are we headed into a time of inflation? Many people and economists are debating this issue right now. In the “real world,” we’ve seen inflation in interesting areas such as Pokémon and NBA Top Shots trading “cards,” which had seen a spike up in prices earlier in the year. Housing prices are certainly rising. Plus, inflation is finding its way into commodities such as food inputs like soybeans, corn and more. Certainly, gas prices are higher at the pump than a year ago. And does it mean inflation is coming because of crazy high auction prices for things such as Jack Dorsey selling his first tweet ever as an NFT (non fungible token) for over $2.9 million?

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Topics: Stocks, Market, Economy, Interest Rates

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