Carnegie Investment Counsel Blog

5 Steps to Make the Greatest Impact as a Donor on Giving Tuesday

Posted by Megan Lencoski on Nov 3, 2021 9:25:57 AM

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving with a goal to unleash the power of radical generosity. According to Giving Tuesday Inc, $2.47 billion was donated on December 1, 2020, by 34.8 million people, just in the United States alone. Many of our clients have been giving generously to their beloved charities for years. However, if you know someone looking to make a difference or newly in a position to be philanthropic, consider sharing this step-by-step article with them. There are many ways to get involved this Giving Tuesday - here are some ideas!

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Topics: Giving, Nonprofits

You Can’t Take It with You Part 2: Philanthropy

Posted by Carnegie Investment Counsel on Sep 17, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Did you know that 90 percent of high net-worth households give to charity according to the National Philanthropic Trust? It’s an impactful way to ensure your wealth goes to good use. Nonprofit and charitable organizations are fueled by individuals who support their services. Currently, there are about 1.54 million charitable organizations in the U.S., and in 2019, 69 percent of charitable giving came from individuals.

In our first post in this series on living with wealth, we discussed giving to family. [Link to blog when posted] In this post, we concentrate on charitable giving. Outside of playing a pivotal role in helping a nonprofit organization thrive, charitable giving boasts a number of benefits for donors. Making a donation to a qualified 501(c)(3) makes you eligible for tax deductions, and giving a considerable amount can benefit your overall estate planning.

Take a closer look at how you can position yourself for sustainable charitable giving and, in addition, leave an enduring legacy after your death.

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Topics: Giving, Financial Planning, Wealth Management, Nonprofits

An Easy Way to Give Back

Posted by Raz Pounardjian on Dec 7, 2016 4:31:27 PM

About five years ago, “Giving Tuesday” was created and is celebrated the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This day celebrates and encourages giving in both monetary and non-monetary ways. Just on that day alone, approximately $117 million was raised online for charities. The increased awareness for charitable giving is a testament to the
good hearted and selfless nature of many individuals and corporations.

We here at Carnegie recently spent an afternoon cooking lunch for those in residence at the Ronald McDonald House in Cleveland. Sometimes it’s best to get away from the grind of “every day” life and give back to those in need and less fortunate. As someone who spends the majority of his days in the office, I really enjoyed preparing a meal together for those in need with my fellow co-workers. 

One of the ways we have helped encourage charitable giving is through the use of Donor Advised Funds.

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Topics: Giving

How To Give Your Income Tax To Charity From an IRA

Posted by Donald L Haisman, CFP® on Nov 29, 2016 4:35:16 PM

Is it true?  Can I really?  There must be some catch?

These are some of the questions I received recently to my suggestion of giving taxes to charity.  My answer is a frank, ‘yes’. You can give some of your taxes to any qualified public charity.  The “giving” I am talking about is called Qualified Charitable Deduction (QCD). 

Recent History

Last December Congress made a permanent provision in the tax code.  Please note, there are two catches.  First, you must be age 70 ½ or older, and second, you must make the donation only from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). 

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Topics: Giving

Charitable Donations: How To Pay It Forward

Posted by Bob Carroll on Nov 12, 2014 11:42:00 AM

Giving 101:

As the calendar year approaches its end, many people start receiving what seems like an endless series of requests for charitable donations. Even if you are in the witness protection program, colleges, community organizations, and places of worship know where to find you this time of year!

Gifting is a great way to leave an impact on the organizations and people you care about most. Gift-giving falls under the application of tax code, so be sure you consult a qualified tax advisor regarding your specific situation. However, before you take out the checkbook and make your donation or gift to a family member, there are a few other things to keep in mind when it comes to giving.

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Topics: Giving

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