Nonprofit Investment Management Blog

How to Build Donor Relationships Through Prospect Research

Posted by Sarah Tedesco on Jul 24, 2024 7:30:00 AM

If your nonprofit has ever fundraised for major or planned gifts, you likely know that developing donor relationships is essential for successfully securing these types of donations. Most donors are only willing to commit a significant amount of money to organizations where they feel valued as an integral part of furthering their missions. 

You may have also conducted prospect research to gather data that helped you identify potential high-impact donors. This information can provide useful insights for reaching out to and building relationships with prospects! 

In this guide, we’ll discuss some of the best strategies for incorporating prospect research into your efforts to cultivate donors. No matter what cause or campaign you’re fundraising for, these tips can help you make tailored donation requests, boost donor lifetime values, and increase supporters’ loyalty to your organization. Let’s get started!

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Topics: Nonprofit

The Nonprofit’s Playbook for Attracting Life Insurance Gifts

Posted by Megan Lencoski on Jun 26, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Forget bake sales and car washes (although, hey, we still love those classics). Have you ever felt like your fundraising toolbox is getting a little…tired? We've all been there. But what if there was a hidden gem, a strategy that could boost your bottom line with the current donor base you already have? 

In this article, we'll shed light on the often-overlooked superpower of life insurance gifts. We'll break down the "hows" and "whys" in a way that's easy to understand and leave you feeling confident and equipped to chat with your donors about this powerful giving option. So, ditch the fundraising fatigue and get ready to discover a strategy that's as strategic as it is impactful. 

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Topics: Nonprofit

3 Communication Tips to Bolster Your Donor Stewardship Plan

Posted by Aly Sterling on Jun 12, 2024 7:00:00 AM

According to 360MatchPro, nonprofits raise an average of $287 per monthly donor each year. When comparing that figure to the average annual revenue per one-time donor of $192, it’s clear that recurring donors can significantly boost your donation revenue. 

However, major and recurring donors don't just show up out of the blue (most of the time). The most successful nonprofits don’t just solicit donations and then forget about their donors. Instead, they build long-lasting relationships with donors through dedicated donor stewardship plans. 

In this guide, we’ll review three communication tips you can implement to improve your existing endowment and major donor stewardship strategy. As a result, you’ll fine-tune your approach and form even stronger bonds with your supporters.

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Topics: Nonprofit

How to Reduce Friction in the Donor Journey

Posted by Megan Lencoski on May 29, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Are hidden friction points in your donor journey causing you to lose valuable supporters? 

In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly bombarded with distractions and have little patience for complicated processes. Any friction in your donor journey—whether it’s before, during, or after making a donation—could deter potential donors from completing their contributions, leading to missed opportunities for your nonprofit. 

That’s where donor journey optimization comes in. This strategy involves analyzing and improving each step of the donor's journey, from initial awareness to post-donation follow-up.

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Topics: Nonprofit

What Every Nonprofit Should Know About the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act

Posted by Megan Lencoski on Apr 23, 2024 12:00:00 PM

As a nonprofit leader, you have probably heard of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA). But are you familiar with what it includes and who needs to follow it? Don’t let your organization pay the penalty of being noncompliant with this important act. This post covers the key components of the law and its goals, who it applies to, an overview of steps organizations should take to ensure compliance with the act, and potential penalties for noncompliance.

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Topics: Nonprofit

How to Use Nonprofit Wealth Screenings to Find Major Donors

Posted by Gabrielle Perham, MBA on Apr 18, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Your nonprofit has ambitious goals; whether you’re planning to expand one of your programs, construct a new building, or set up an endowment fund, uncovering major donors who are eager to provide significant financial support is essential to your success. But among all the individuals stored in your database, how do you know which ones are the most promising prospects to pursue? 

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Topics: Nonprofit

More Than Bequests: Diversifying Your Legacy Giving Program

Posted by Patrick Schmitt on Mar 14, 2024 12:14:11 PM

Legacy giving serves as a tried-and-true (if often underutilized) source of revenue for nonprofits. 

Planned gifts like bequests provide a range of benefits, including stable funding over time and opportunities to deepen relationships with your organization’s most dedicated supporters and their families. Creating a thriving legacy giving program is a worthy investment for organizations of all sizes. 

But even with a well-managed program, you may be inadvertently limiting the potential of your investment by keeping a narrow focus on just one type of gift.  

To help you maximize the impact of your legacy giving program, we’ll take a look at today’s legacy and non-cash giving options that might be excellent choices for some of your nonprofit’s donors.

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Topics: Nonprofit

Questions You Should Be Asking If Your Nonprofit Is Choosing a Financial Advisor

Posted by Megan Lencoski on Mar 6, 2024 1:04:01 PM

Are you struggling to find the right investment advisor for your nonprofit? 

You’re not alone. As a former Development Director, I know the overwhelming feeling of navigating the complex world of investments. When your mission’s success is at stake, you may be unsure of where to start and whom to trust with our nonprofit’s financial future.

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Topics: Nonprofit

From Lost to Found: Turning Lapsed Donors into Loyal Supporters

Posted by Megan Lencoski on Feb 29, 2024 2:23:27 PM

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Topics: Nonprofit

6 Ways Your Website Is Hurting Your Major Giving Program (and how to fix them)

Posted by Megan Lencoski on Nov 28, 2023 8:00:00 AM

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Topics: Nonprofit

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Looking to hire a Financial Advisor for your nonprofit?

Finding the right investment advisor shouldn't be difficult.

In this easy, two-page guide, we walk you through the key questions you should ask when evaluating investment advisors for your organization. Here's what you'll learn: 
  • Key questions to ask potential advisors
  • How to compare different investment advisors
  • The importance of a personalized investment strategy
  • What additional, value-added services your advisor should offer you

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