Mobile Internet Usage
For the first time ever, mobile internet usage has surpassed desktop internet usage. In my house, I think this happened about four years ago. The most interesting part of this chart to me is how fast things have changed. Just five years ago, almost all internet usage came from desktops. This rapid change means (among many other things) that every business should have a mobile-friendly website. In the U.S. at least, I bet that most work-related internet use still comes from desktops/laptops and that most personal use comes from mobile. MORE: Mobile vs. Desktop in the World of Millennials

Interest rates have been consistently rising since July. Interest-rate sensitive stocks have been moving accordingly and inflation expectations have been increasing (chart below). Most believe we will see another interest rate hike this year. If we have finally transitioned into a higher rate environment, fixed-income and income related equities may have less of an appeal than they had during the long period of declining interest rates. Many investors have been lulled to sleep with their low volatility bonds and dividend paying stocks, but many of these securities have already been moving lower in anticipation of higher rates. MORE: Inflation is Coming Back -- What does that mean for you?

TV Viewership
The chart below from Piper Jaffray shows the decline in TV viewing by age group. Interestingly, people in the 50-64 year-old group have continued to watch the same amount of TV as in the past. Every other age group has dropped dramatically, with declines rising age decreases. This definitely has major implications on the media industry. Coincidentally, this chart covers the same time frame as the one at the top of this blog; the big declines in both charts, however, are not a coincidence. People are obviously spending a lot more time on their phones and tablets, and a lot less time watching TV and being on their computers. The technological rate of change we are experiencing is astonishing, and I believe it is continuing to accelerate. Related: NFL Ratings Plunge Could Spell Doom for Traditional TV
By the time you read the next blog, the Cleveland Indians will hopefully be the new World Champions. Cleveland has obviously arrived on the sports scene, but it has also arrived in many other ways. One way that I judge a city’s vitality is by its parking garage rates. The picture below was taken in the first round of the playoffs:
If this were not enough, Cleveland is now a Price is Right vacation destination. If this is not the ultimate benchmark of a great city, then I do not know what is.