You spend hours designing an eye-grabbing outer envelope for your direct mail appeal to increase the chance of being opened. Then you spend even more time crafting your appeal letter, pulling on emotions with your heart-warming story and creating a problem the donor wants to help solve.
But you never receive a donation.
What happened? Why are so many of your donors not converting after being moved by your appeal? The answer could be your remit envelope.
Just like the outer envelope’s job is to entice the donor to open your piece of mail, the remit envelope has the critical job of inspiring the donor to send it back with a big check. Sometimes the appeal letter was thrown out weeks ago, and the only thing that remains is the remit envelope. If it is confusing, illegible, or not direct, they will get distracted and not follow through. If it is generic and vague, they will forget what it is for, and it will end up in the recycling bin.
You can use the remit envelope to highlight a specific program or fund you would like to increase contributions towards. Highlighting your endowment fund on your remit envelope is a great way to raise awareness about the fund and grow direct gifts. Many major donors do not know about the different options they have to make a gift, and it is up to you and your remit envelope to educate them.
Here are four tips to grow your nonprofit endowment fund using your remit envelope.