Chelsey Newmyer

Chelsey Newmyer
Chelsey is a Senior Consultant at Graham-Pelton. An analytical problem solver, Chelsey uses a data-driven approach fostered by her engineering background to conduct multipronged annual giving campaigns, manage leadership-level prospects and volunteers, and enhance cross-departmental relationships.

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Breaking Down Communication Silos: 4 Essential Practices for Nonprofits

Posted by Chelsey Newmyer on Aug 29, 2024 2:19:48 PM

The free flow of information between departments helps organizations thrive. Without it, projects hit standstills, ongoing activities get bogged down in redundancies, and strategic priorities suffer.  

This is especially true for nonprofit organizations. For nonprofits, missed targets and ineffective workflows can very quickly make the difference between a healthy bottom line (and more support for constituents) and budget shortfalls that set its mission back.

Let’s say you’re conducting a university capital campaign. Different departments take on different tasks during this complex project. Development and marketing oversee their respective activities but fail to communicate effectively both internally and with each other. Your campaign messaging becomes diluted, prospects get solicited twice, outreach becomes ineffective, relationships are damaged—several missteps combine, and you miss critical campaign benchmark goals. But this doesn’t have to be the case! 

Communication silos should and can be actively identified and broken down to ensure your organization will keep growing smoothly and reaching its goals.

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